Our firm has extensive experience handling disputes on behalf of commercial landlords and tenants.
We work with clients to resolve disputes as efficiently as possible, with significant emphasis placed on maintaining landlord-tenant relationships.
Creation of homeowners associations
Preparation of real estate partnership agreements
Reviewing, drafting and interpretation of governing documents and contracts
Monitoring developer-to-owner transition, including reserve funding and warranties
Assessing and collecting delinquent accounts
Owner violations and foreclosures
Insurance coverage issues
Construction defects and liens
FHA Certification
Creation of audit letters
Association and board meetings
breach of contract
insurance defense
fair housing defense
building code disputes
covenant violations
civil rights and/or handicap violations
Be sure to find a lawyer who has proven to be successful in resolving disputes, protecting assets, and adding value.
Contact Utah Litigation Attorney, Donald Reay and get an aggressive and experienced lawyer on your side today.